Sermons URL

The Lord is God

July 4, 2021

To Whom Do You Pray

June 27, 2021

A Plea for Every Day

June 20, 2021

Forgive Us Our Debts

June 13, 2021

A Prayer for Today

June 6, 2021

Your Will Be Done

May 30, 2021
Bible Text: Matthew 6:10 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo
Bible Text: Matthew 6:9 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo

The Attitude of Prayer

May 16, 2021
Bible Text: Matthew 6:5-8 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo
Bible Text: Matthew 6:2-4 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo
Bible Text: Matthew 6:1-4 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo

The Good Portion

April 25, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 10:38-42 | Preacher: Jordan Edgecombe
Bible Text: Colossians 4:7-14 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo | Series: Colossians
Bible Text: Colossians 4:5-6 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo | Series: Colossians

More than a Man

April 4, 2021
Bible Text: Philippians 2:6-11 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo

The Power of Missions

March 21, 2021
Bible Text: Acts 2:14-41 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo

Missions Guest Speaker

March 14, 2021
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-10 | Preacher: Allan Matamoros
Bible Text: Colossians 4:2-4 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo | Series: Colossians

Let Your Light Shine

February 21, 2021
Bible Text: Colossians 3:18-4:1 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo | Series: Colossians
Bible Text: Colossians 3:18-22 | Preacher: Joe Cacioppo | Series: Colossians
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